For land assembly. Close to the Burquitlam SkyTrain station, this property features a 1/2 duplex in a development area. Its current zoning is RT-1 and, according to the Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan, it may be rezoned as RM-3 for development of a medium density apartment building up to 8 storeys with FAR up to 2.4. The land size and finished floor areas are based on the strata plan; the finished floor areas based on the BC Assessment are 913 sf for the main and 728 sf for the above; the room dimensions are approximate. All information, measurements & dimensions are to be independently verified by the purchaser. As non-complying strata, there is no strata council, no strata meeting, no budget, no strata fees and no operating or contingency reserve fund or financial record.
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